Bring a shoebox, grab some Peeps (provided by the library!), and dig into our craft supplies to create a marshmallow masterpiece to enter in our Peeps Diorama Contest!
Using Peeps* and your imagination, create a scene inspired by one of your favorite pieces of art, favorite books, or by your favorite colors!
The diorama should be the size of a shoe box.
Submit your diorama to the Rapid City Public Library between Tuesday, April 1, and Saturday, April 19.
Fill out the submission sheet on the back of the Peeps flyer (you can get one at the library!). Include your name, the title of your diorama, age group, and phone number so we can contact you if you win!
Dioramas will be displayed on the landing of the stairs throughout April. Pictures of the dioramas will be posted to our Facebook page from April 21 – 28. Voting is open to the community at this time for the Peeple’s Choice Awards, which will be determined by the pictures that get the most likes! There will be one overall winner for each age group.
3 winners will be announced and contacted on Tuesday, April 29, and will win a special prize basket filled with books, accessories, snacks, and more!