January 22, 2025
This plan describes how technology is used to enhance library services and to support the library’s strategic plan and mission.
The library’s technology is budgeted annually based on a replacement schedule and the implementation of new technology as identified, reviewed and approved by supervisors, City IT and library administration.
The library maintains an inventory of all technology that is not managed by the City IT department. The inventory includes asset identification, last replacement date, anticipated replacement date, need assessment, and estimated replacement cost.
Staff training includes self-paced discovery, use of an in-house resource contact, peer-to-peer training, and group instruction.
Public training includes one-on-one assistance on a walk-in or scheduled basis through Book-a-Librarian.
When introducing new technology, implementation will include staff communication, training, testing, marketing to the public, feedback, and revision.
Proprietary library software is updated and managed by library staff in cooperation with City IT and the associated vendors. Internet bandwidth is regularly evaluated by City IT.
A distinct separation between the library’s staff network and the public access network is maintained by the city’s IT department.
Any digital storage device (flash drive, SD card, etc.) used by the public will not be inserted into or loaded onto any computer or other device connected to the staff network. All library computers and devices that are available to the public will have lock-down applications installed, to ensure that public information cannot be permanently stored on library computers.
Assessment is an ongoing process involving feedback from the public and staff, monitoring societal trends and examining use statistics. When opportunities or issues are identified, the relevant technology is reviewed by management and supervisors before determining the appropriate next steps. This may include early replacement of existing technology, changes to policy, additional training, or any other actions necessary to support the library’s strategic plan and mission.
Reviewed January 22, 2025; revised September 12, 2022; May 10, 2021; May 13, 2019; December 14, 2015; September 11, 2014; adopted by the RCPL Board of Trustees, November 8, 2013